What a spectacular evening. We were delighted the temps were not as projected. It was still toasty outside but at least 10-15 degrees cooler than expected. Just starting out this evening, an RTD bus came far to close for comfort. Had I (Heidi) sneezed or something in it's passing, I might not be here to provide this recap. I was joined by 5 repeat riders (Bonnie, Dana, Rachel, Sabine and Gloria). Gloria ran a bit late and managed to catch us in Golden. Nice work Gloria - we were happy you could join us. It was Rachel and Dana's first jaunt up Lookout and they really enjoyed the view, the wildlife and of course the cooler air. All in all we managed 33 miles at an overall pace of 14 mph, and to Heidi's fault, finished at dusk - sorry ladies. We might have to pick up the pace and make sure we hit the road by no later than 6 p.m. so we don't run the risk of pedaling in the dark. Share your comments on the blog and Meetup, how great Lookout is. I feel like some of our potential riders are a bit deterred by the climb. Ladies, Lookout Mountain rocks! It's one of my favorite rides for many reasons; the road is smooth, the scenery unbeartable, traffic minimal and it is a great workout. Hope to see more of you out with us soon!
Good Night - Ride Leader Heidi
The ride last night was great! Thank goodness for the cooler weather. All - if you go to the RTD website "http://www.rtd-denver.com/" and look for the "Inside RTD / Customer Support / Customer Comment" section, you can write a complaint about the bus last night - it was the west-bound 28B, bus number 5039. I wrote my complaint today! Thanks again for a fun ride, I hope to see you all next week! Bonnie